Predicting Ages of Abalone

We started by creating a Multiple Linear Regression model on the full data set (including the height outliers). For this first model, we calculated an R2 value of 50.785%. This indicates that our model accounts for about half of the variance in the data set.

We then created a second Multiple Linear Regression model on a data set that excludes the four height outliers that were found in the Visualizing Parameters stage. This model produced an R2 value of 51.986%. This is indicates that removing the four outliers improved the model's performance.

Because the data are all positive, we next tried using the Min-Max Scaler from SciKit-Learn instead of the Standard Scaler. This resulted in an R2 value of 51.952%. Since it did not produce an appreciable improvement in the model's performance, we returned to using the Standard Scaler for the rest of the non-neural network models.

Since we weren't obtaining strong R2 values with the linear regression models, we decided to try other types of supervised regression models.